Man arrested on drug warrant 

A 36-year-old Homestead man was arrested Tuesday afternoon after he claimed he had a knife and refused Deputy commands.

Ernest Harris was charged with resisting arrest without violence, possession of cocaine and violation of probation.

Middle Keys Sgt. Christian Kellenberger was on patrol on the 3900 block of Louisa Street at 1 p.m. when he saw a work truck blocking a right-of-way. He ran the plates and they came back to a family member of Ernest Harris. Harris is known to Sgt. Kellenberger as having a warrant for his arrest for violation of probation. Sgt. Kellenberger saw that the passenger in the work truck appeared to be Harris. Deputy Ian Douthirt was also on scene. Deputy Douthirt approached Harris and Sgt. Kellenberger approached the driver. Sgt. Kellenberger told the driver they were only present to speak to the passenger, who Sgt. Kellenberger was now able to visually identify as Harris. Lt. Derek Paul also arrived on scene.

Harris stated he had a knife. Deputy Douthirt attempted to handcuff Harris at that time. Harris did not comply. Harris was ordered to open his hands. He did not comply. Lt. Paul went assisted Douthirt in attempting to force Harris to open his hands. Sgt. Kellenberger saw that Harris had his left fist clenched. Sgt. Kellenberger told Harris if he didn’t open his hand he would be shocked with a Taser®. Sgt. Kellenberger warned Harris several times. Harris did not comply. Sgt. Kellenberger then shocked Harris in his shoulder blade. Harris dropped two small baggies.

The baggies contained 1.4 grams of cocaine.

No knife was found.

There were no injuries reported.

Harris was taken to jail.

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