Key West Zonta Club Presents “Pier House Goes Pink”

Wednesday, October 16, 2019, the Pier House Goes Pink for the sixth year in a row in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness. Beginning at 6 pm, a fashion show celebrating local breast cancer survivors, will take place accompanied by live music from the Prime Movers and a party on the beach.  Enjoy a pink drink especially concocted for this event and wonderful appetizers, compliments of the Pier House Resort and Spa.  Suggested donation is $10 at the door.  Donations of gently used or new bras are also appreciated and will go to

The Pier House Resort and Spa will also be offering 50 percent off select treatments at their tranquil spa from 8:30 am to 6 pm on October 16.  Make a reservation now by calling 305-296-4600.

Chance drawing tickets will also be sold at the event for a variety of great prizes. Tickets are $5 each or five tickets for $20.  Winners will be drawn during the club’s ABC 10K and 5K Walk/Run on November 2.

All funds raised from this event and from the chance drawing go toward mammograms and other health screenings for uninsured and underinsured women in the Florida Keys.   For more information, visit

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