Gravity-defying Key Lime Pie Drop set to let go at Key West Lighthouse during Key Lime Festival


Key West Art & Historical Society helps catapult America’s favorite citrus celebration – the Key Lime Festival – into the limelight on Saturday, July 6 from 11:00am-2:00pm with the third annual Key Lime Pie Drop contest and free-entry party at the Key West Lighthouse, located at 938 Whitehead Street.


Those with a taste for engineering adventures are invited to enter for a chance at fame, fortune, a trophy, and a crisp $100 cash prize. There will be pies and sweet treats from Key West Key Lime Pie Co., SnoCones and other delectable food items from Sweeney’s Weenies, a full bar provided by Great Events, hot tunes by Soundwaves’ DJ Sanaris, a kids’ zone, a chance to win 2 tickets to The Society’s July 27 Donavon Frankenreiter concert at Fort East Martello (donate your Fantasy Fest beads at the MARC House tent!), and loads of limey fun for all ages round out the competition event!


Key Lime Festival producers David Sloan and Marky Pierson have once again partnered with Key West Art & Historical Society to invite Key West’s most creative minds to outsmart gravity by finding a way to drop a 5-inch diameter Key lime pie from the top of the historic lighthouse to the ground without damaging the dessert. Competitors must create (in advance) a device or container to protect the pie and deliver it to the targeted area below without it exploding on impact or getting tangled in the trees nearby.


The first ceremonial pie-drops at 11:45am, with registered contestants gathering at high noon to begin dropping their pies from the lofty Lighthouse platform to the target below. Points will be awarded based on factors such as where and if you land on the target and the condition of the pie when it lands.  Additional trophies will be awarded for “Most Creative Design,” “Best Decorated,” and “Best Key Lime Theme.” Costumes are encouraged for contestants and spectators alike.


To secure your $10 entry and pie for the contest, register at Drop a pie or enjoy the spectacle from the ground in your favorite key lime costume— the Key Lime Pie Drop is a perfect day of food, fun, and friends, and an event you don’t want to miss.


Visit rules and a full schedule of other events slotted for this year’s fest or call Society Events Coordinator Dani Holliday at 305-295-6616 x 114.  Your Museums.  Your Community.  It Takes an Island. 



Rodger Levering, left, of Key West, tosses nine-year-old Zachary Levering’s Key Lime Pie Drop entry off the approximately 86-foot-high observation deck of the approximately 100-foot-tall Key West Lighthouse last year during the 3rd annual Key Lime Pie Drop. This year’s delicious and dizzying drop happens on Saturday, July 6.

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