Criminals are criminals no mater if they have served time or are just Democrats. The Left is trying every underhanded trick in the book to breed more votes and divide and conquer America. Wake up citizens we are in a new civil war and it is the Left against the Right not North and South this time.
Dear Mary Smith,
Think, if you would be so kind, of our national symbol, the bald eagle. This fine bird has two wings, upon which it relies for its very existence. There is a left and a right wing. In order to navigate safely and successfully both wings must work together, to a common purpose. I suggest you consider that as a desirable model. Mater or matter, people are people. Ours is not a perfect species. Therefore, in order to survive as a “United” States everyone, even you, deserves a second chance.
This is a majority vs. a minority gamut.
Mob rule vs. elitism. There’s nothing new under the sun.
The flip side of the same coin wants to be on top, though both are inextricably intertwined.
But, to prevail at any cost, including the implosion of the constitutionally mandated republic is seditionist treason.
When underhanded tactics, such as those we witnessed in the last presidential election go unchallenged, as they have for most part, the very fabric of our society gets torn.
Some say that we are at the throngs of a well orchestrated, wide and deep conspiracy to do away with the Republic as it stands to help the advent of the “New World Order.”
In the interim, we still have patriots and detractors. For my part, I wish the detractors would simply leave and go live elsewhere. It wouldn’t take long before they would beg to return and kiss the ground of liberty.
How can such votes be considered as legitimate?
Some democrats are grasping at straws to swell their electorate base.
Hypocrisy knows no bounds~!
Criminals are criminals no mater if they have served time or are just Democrats. The Left is trying every underhanded trick in the book to breed more votes and divide and conquer America. Wake up citizens we are in a new civil war and it is the Left against the Right not North and South this time.
Dear Mary Smith,
Think, if you would be so kind, of our national symbol, the bald eagle. This fine bird has two wings, upon which it relies for its very existence. There is a left and a right wing. In order to navigate safely and successfully both wings must work together, to a common purpose. I suggest you consider that as a desirable model. Mater or matter, people are people. Ours is not a perfect species. Therefore, in order to survive as a “United” States everyone, even you, deserves a second chance.
A very brief video, featuring former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, which outlines, in his words “the biggest threat to our democracy” which, hopefully, will give food for thought and discussion:
This is a majority vs. a minority gamut.
Mob rule vs. elitism. There’s nothing new under the sun.
The flip side of the same coin wants to be on top, though both are inextricably intertwined.
But, to prevail at any cost, including the implosion of the constitutionally mandated republic is seditionist treason.
When underhanded tactics, such as those we witnessed in the last presidential election go unchallenged, as they have for most part, the very fabric of our society gets torn.
Some say that we are at the throngs of a well orchestrated, wide and deep conspiracy to do away with the Republic as it stands to help the advent of the “New World Order.”
In the interim, we still have patriots and detractors. For my part, I wish the detractors would simply leave and go live elsewhere. It wouldn’t take long before they would beg to return and kiss the ground of liberty.
Dear Broke Babineau; You’re French right, maybe Canadian? Enough said!