GLOW: A Bold Bright New Direction by Joanne Sloan, February 15 – March 1, 2019

The Key West Art Center will present GLOW, a solo show of Joanne Sloan’s original acrylic paintings with an opening reception on Friday, February 15 from 5 to 7 pm.

Vivid impasto paintings glow with the Keys spectacular sunrises and sunsets, portray the whimsy of cloud formations and evoke feelings of wonder in us of our island paradise. Although the works are typical of the Keys skies, seas and flora, her depictions are all her own.

Joanne has been a juried member of the Key West Art Center for over ten years and, as she has grown into a mature artist, her work has taken a decidedly different turn becoming brighter and more textural. These new paintings are looser and more impressionistic reflecting a certain Keys freedom. At the same time the artist senses how little control we have in the face of wind, water and our tropical weather, which are the very things we love about this place.

Each painting is titled with a simple word or phrase but further explained by an accompanying original poem. These poems provide an interesting footnote to the thoughts and motivation of the artist in producing each work. Although movement, color and texture in the paintings seem obvious, the poems offer a second look at each piece.

Every show attendee on opening night February 15 will be entered in a raffle to win one of Joanne’s original art pieces. Additional raffle tickets are available for purchase and serve as a fund raiser for the gallery. The drawing will take place at the show’s end March 1 and you do not need to be present to win.

For further information, contact Key West Art Center, 701 Front Street, 305-294-1241 or their Facebook page.

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