Three men cited for undersized mutton snapper

Three mainland Florida men were cited Saturday for possessing six undersized Mutton Snapper and one Blue Tang.

Aldrick Carlvert Gardiner, 25, and Clifton Maurice Black, 39, both of Pembroke Pines and Damekio Ennis Been, 24, of Miramar, were all given two citations for possessing illegally harvested fish.Deputy Eric Viergutz was doing routine checks on the Channel Two Bridge at Mile Marker 73 in Islamorada about 10:30 a.m. when he asked to see their cooler. There were six undersized Mutton Snapper and one dead Blue Tang in the cooler. The largest  of the Mutton Snapper measured 13 inches. State law requires harvested Mutton Snapper to be 18 inches. Also inside the cooler was a dead Blue Tang. Blue Tangs must be kept alive if they are removed from the water. Blue Tangs are a popular fish in the saltwater aquarium trade.

The men stated they couldn’t remember who caught which Mutton Snapper, buy they stated they thought they were Yellowtail Snapper. Yellowtail must be 12 inches to harvest. Been admitted to catching the Blue Tang.

All three men had fishing licenses.

All three were given notices to appear in court.

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