Steven Matthew Wolf January 10 on a count of first-degree murder

A Monroe County grand jury indicted Steven Matthew Wolf January 10 on a count of first-degree murder in the death late last year of a Marathon woman.

Following the indictment, the Monroe County State Attorney’s Office filed a notice of intent in Monroe County Circuit Court’s Middle Keys division to seek the death penalty if Wolf is convicted.

The grand jury found that the State presented sufficient evidence to indict the defendant for First Degree Murder, charging him to have “unlawfully from a premeditation design to effect the death of a human being, kill and murder Michelle R Osborne, a human being, by ligature strangulation in combination with anal and genital trauma” or, in the alternative, to have unlawfully killed Michelle R Osborne “while engaged in the perpetration of sexual battery”

Dennis Ward, Monroe County State Attorney

In seeking the death penalty, the State Attorney’s Office filing says “the murder was committed while the defendant was engaged in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit a sexual battery;” “the murder was especially heinous, atrocious and cruel;” and “the defendant was previously convicted of another capital felony and/or felony involving the use or threat of violence to the person.”

Osborne’s body was found on November 21, 2018, in a wooded area near the Vaca Cut Bridge in Marathon. Wolf was arrested the next day.

Assistant State Attorney Colleen Dunne is representing the state.

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