Roger C. Kostmayer

The next two years in Washington, leading up to the 2020 Presidential election, are going to be fraught and delicate. The Republican power monopoly was broken and the Democrats will retake control of the House of Representatives in January. The congressional objective for the Democrats now is two fold: work across the aisle to produce important bipartisan solutions, and aggressively stick to their principles that benefit all Americans. If handled skillfully, these goals are difficult but not necessarily mutually exclusive.

The House needs a strong, smart, effective and experienced leader; a Speaker who will fight for and unite the majority. The number of qualified candidates who fit this profile today is exactly one: 78 year old Nancy Pelosi. Therefor, why not allow Speaker Pelosi to mentor young, well prepared leaders (like Hakeem Jeffries and others) while she transitions into retirement in two years ?

The last thing either the American people, or the incoming House majority, need today is a circular firing squad or family squabble in the Democratic caucus.

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