By Louis Petrone


People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. John 8:7 says…..Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Matthew 7:1…..Judge not, that ye not be judged.

Rudy Giuliani has had a distinguished career. Till recently.

Giuliani attacked Stormy Daniels last week. He hit on her work career as a porn star, adult actress and porn movie director.

Giuliani’s adult life has had its moments of sleaziness. A Roman Catholic, he has been married three times.

He married his first wife Regina Peruggi in 1968. His second cousin. Second cousin marriages neither civilly nor religiously permitted. He met local TV personality Donna Hanover in 1982. Fell in love. Needed to divorce Regina so he could marry Donna.

Not simple. The civil divorce not much of a problem. Obtained in 1982. However being Catholic, he needed a Catholic Church annulment. Once difficult to obtain, no longer so in the 1980’s. Proper Church grounds and money made it possible. The days of Henry VIII long gone.

Giuliani’s grounds were he did not know Regina was his second cousin. Hard to believe. Italians know every cousin and their place in line to the nth degree. Whatever, the Church accepted he was unaware. That and a check resulted in a Church annulment one year later.

Rudy and Donna were married in a Catholic Church ceremony in 1984. They remained married till the early 2000’s. During those years, Giuliani had his affairs. One with his press secretary Cristyne Lategano. Donna became aware.

Father’s Day 1996 found the Mayor and Cristyne in a basement suite at Gracie Mansion. Donna went to the suite to confront Giuliani. His aides prevented her from entering the suite.

Still married to Donna, Giuliani became enamoured with Judith “Judi” Nathan in May 1999. Cristyne abandoned.

The NYPD security detail assigned to the Mayor began chauffeuring Judi around. City provided chauffeur services. Buried in the books with convoluted bookkeeping.

The chauffeuring had its dangerous moments. On one occasion, Judi was being chauffeured into Gracie Mansion while Donna was being chauffeured out. Another occasion found Judi being chauffeured in with the Mayor’s mistress in a car following her. Giuliani had wife Donna, girl friend Judi and a mistress at the same time.

The year 2000 found Giuliani and Judi a public twosome. Southampton weekends included.

Giuliani called a press conference on May 10, 2000 and announced he intended to separate from Donna. He failed to tell Donna first. She learned of it from the television report.

Giuliani sued for divorce in October 2000. A major court battle ensued. Giuliani barred  from Gracie Mansion or seeing his children till a divorce was final. The issues were resolved and the two were divorced. Donna received a settlement of $6.8 million and custody of their two children.

Judi and the Mayor were married in 2003. On April 14, 2018, Judi filed for divorce after 18 years of marriage.

Giuliani recently claimed Stormy Daniels as a porn worker had no credibility. What credibility does a thrice married cheating husband have?

A President accused of infidelity and paying thousands to cover it up could have picked a lawyer with a better track record morally to represent him.

Birds of a feather do flock together.

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