Woman of the Year and Volunteer of the Year Awarded

Woman’s Club President Dawn Martin awarded Mary Ann Finlay Woman of the Year in recognition of her leadership of the Docent program at the Woman’s Club Annual Awards luncheon on Saturday. Lorie Rouse received the Damewood Volunteer of the Year award for her continued volunteer service to club activities throughout the year.
Martin said, “Each of these lovely ladies embodies our creed of dedicated service.”
Other members recognized this year include:
Shoshana Lichtenstein, Twelve years chairing “Talk of the Town”
Janet Bengel, Sparkplug Award
Kelly Marshall, Hard Rock Cafe, Good Neighbor Award
Judy Hadley and Marie Welsh were recognized for service to the board. Nominating committee members were thanked for their service:
Dr. Rita Fabal
Arlene Doty
Judge Rita Eaton
Despite the travails of Irma, our members stretched further to lend a hand and give hope.
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