Executive Director Florida Keys SPCA

Even though there are a lot of chickens and roosters is Key West, we don’t house many of them at the FKSPCA.  When a chicken or rooster is brought to us, they are typically transferred to the Key West Wildlife Center which has the facility and staff to care for them properly.

Mad Max, however, is a different story.

Max was found alone and motherless on the streets of Key West about three years ago.  A good Samaritan rescued Max and raised him as an indoor, house-chicken. Whereas most chickens quickly learn to forage for food and get along well with other chickens (at least, as soon as the peeking order is established), Max had acquired no such skills.

When the owner had to move, Max was, unfortunately, not able to go along. And Max is far too set in his ways to learn basic foraging skills or even how to get along with other animals, since Max was always an “only chicken.”  

But what Max lacks in animal skills, he makes up for ten-fold in other ways.  He loves to cuddle and nestle at your neck. He loves to ride in cars or just sit and watch TV all day.  He is curious about everything and is happy to just hang out where all the action is. He doesn’t even mind wearing the obligatory “chicken diaper” inside the house or office.

It may take a while, but somewhere in Key West, we know there is a home that can happily offer Max the domesticated lifestyle he’s grown accustomed to!

If you would like to help us find forever homes for more animals like Mad Max, please contact me at [email protected].

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