Application Deadline Extended for Summer Youth Writing Program

Key West, Florida – The application deadline has been extended for the Young Writers Studio, Key West Literary Seminar’s new summer writing program for local high school students. Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis at

The program will take place June 25-29 in Key West. Participating students will spend five days exploring Key West and learning about authors who have lived and worked here through readings, excursions, and site-specific writing exercises. Excursions will include visits to local sites such as the Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum and Dry Tortugas National Park.

Daily writing workshops will be taught by acclaimed author Victor LaValle, a member of the writing faculty at Columbia University, whose most recent novel, The Changeling, was selected as one of the ten best books of 2017 by USA Today and Time magazine.

The Young Writers Studio is open to students in Monroe County who will be starting their sophomore, junior, or senior years in fall 2018. Interested students are encouraged to apply early because the program is expected to fill quickly. Thanks in part to the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Young Writers Studio is free for selected applicants.

More information and the application can be found at

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