A Study on the Feminine, the Language of Landscape, Woodcut Relief and Videography Featured During First Thursday, April 5, 6-8pm
On April 5, from 6-8pm, The Studios keeps their doors open late for First Thursday, a monthly open house celebrating new exhibitions, studio artists, and current projects.
An exhibition by Simone Lasswell and Janet Mueller opens that evening in the Sanger Gallery. “Woman” serves as a dual meditation on spirituality, sensuality and the feminine through Lasswell’s ceramic torsos and Mueller’s semi-abstract paintings. Lasswell’s sculptures reveal a dancer’s awareness of her body in all of its earthy physicality, while Mueller’s vibrant colors feel like they’re drawn from natural pigments, her surfaces impacted by elemental forces: water, air, heat and gravity.
“Vintage Simonton Street: 1960s” by Wayne Garcia will be on display in the second floor Zabar Lobby. Garcia carries on the tradition of his teacher and mentor Mario Sanchez with colorful, shallow relief sculptures etched in wood depicting his childhood in Key West. He has lectured & demonstrated his art form, “Intaglio” internationally, and his work has been featured on the Netflix series Bloodline.
The third floor XOJ Gallery will feature a solo exhibition of Tory Mata’s paintings, which deal loosely in the language of landscape in order access the more mysterious terrain of the mind and heart. In order to reveal this emotional space, the work pushes away from recognizable landmarks and instead gets into the world of pure form and color, built up from many obscured layers to create a sensual terrain, enriched by a complex history.
On display in the first floor Zabar Project Gallery is a videography exhibition by Esy Casey. A former Artist in Residence at The Studios, Esy showcases recent video work highlighting her time spent in Key West. At seventeen, Esy fled to Mexico to study the murals of Siqueiros and to secretly join the Zapatistas, after which she ended up in communication design. Her work was been published internationally including the award-winning modern visual reference guide SHOW ME HOW.
Visitors can also stop by during regular gallery hours, Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm, to view exhibitions. All four exhibitions remain on view through April 26.
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