Letter to the Editor / Art & Animals
By Nance Frank
What would life be without music literature, visual arts, or animals?
20 years ago Jeff McNally was a friend to our animals and stepped up to assist the SPCA in raising money with an adorable cartoon; a dog a cat and a bird coming out of a conch shell.
The SPCA has used Jeff’s logo as its own without his name or giving a triple Pulitzer Prize winner credit and has used the artwork to raise funds for decades.
Today the SPCA doesn’t want to pay its fair share of art in public places for its new building.
Artists are vital to our lives. They are the most important part of our society. Without them there is no humanity. No song, story or interpretation of our humanity. Nothing would be left for the future generations to know who we were or what is important in life.
Jeff loved and his wife susie love their animals.
Honor Jeff, give to the SPCA, and let there be art!
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