Letter to Editor / Irma experiences

By Katherine Robinson

Richard had to secure properties in Key West that he manages as well as our own property so he was not able to evacuate until the last minute. We were on one of the last lights out of Miami to Guatemala. We didn’t think we were  going to get out because of all of the delays!
Because we do not have small children, elderly parents or animals, we were able to just shutter everything up and go.
We chose Guatemala because the flight was very inexpensive and the cost of living in Guatemala is so low.
In the past we had evacuated to other Caribbean islands only to be hit by another hurricane! Sometimes you just don’t know where to vacuate to! Although we are out of harm’s way and not suffering at all our heart just breaks to see all of the devastation and losses and suffering!
We hope to return to Key West soon however we don’t want to return until we are not putting a strain on the resources that are there for others.

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