Letter to the Editor / Suggestions on how to roll out the new AHCA
As an old white guy on Medicare, I would like to offer the 13 WOM (white old men) and 1 women who are drafed the Senate’s legislative response to the American Health Care Act a way win.
First, announce that your intent is to fix the House bill because it is a mean, mean bill as your president announced. Be sure to address at the beginning the metrics you will use to grade the final bill: the number of Americans who will have health insurance; equal treatment for those with pre-existing conditions; no lifetime caps; young Americans can stay on their parent’s health insurance until they are 26; Support for women’s health issues and maintaining Medicaid funding.
Then, hold very public meetings with various groups of stakeholders, including doctors, nurses, patients, insurance industry executives and drug companies. Ask them to provide input on how to make the American Healthcare system better. Ask them how t increase competition in rural counties.
Finally, roll out the new Senate American Health Care Act, which will slightly look like ACA, with some of the problem areas revised and improved. Give credit to the House for initializing the process to a better plan. Also, give credit to President Trump for insisting that the plan make good on his campaign promises. This just may work.
Of course – we must feed Telweety’s ego by continuing to call it a REPEAL of OBAMACARE because it is all about his deep seated hate and desire to get even for O’s roast at the correspondents dinner.