Letter to the Editor / Why are they meeting in secret?
By Suzanne Campbell
Healthcare is an issue that affects all Americans, and yet Senate Republicans are right now negotiating behind closed door a health bill that will likely result in millions of Americans paying more for health coverage or losing it altogether.
Our Congressman Carlos Curbelo voted in favor of the House Republican Healthcare bill (the AHCA) despite knowing that it would result in over 23 million Americans losing their healthcare. How is voting for a bill that gives a tax break to those earning over $200,000 a year helping average working Americans?
The Senate Republicans are rushing this bill through despite not knowing what its real costs or effects will be (the CBO score). Why are they rushing through something so important that effects over one sixth of the American Economy?
How many Americans will no longer have health insurance because without the subsidies that Obmacare offers they won’t be able to afford it? We should be working to improve Obamacare instead of scrapping it.
Our Senators need to put US and their constituents, first ! Mitch McConnell and company, stop meeting in secret, and let’s work together to create healthcare for all Americans.
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