Habitat for Humanity To Build 10 New Homes On Big Coppitt Key. Applications Available
Habitat for Humanity of Key West and the Lower Florida Keys plans to build 10 new homes on Big Coppitt Key this year and is accepting applications from interested buyers with a deadline of April 1, 2017.
The homes will be two story modular construction on concrete piers and will be similar in design to the nearby Bayside Landing homes built by Habitat. The site is located on US 1 Overseas Highway, between Emerald Drive and Sapphire Drive. Eight of the homes will have three bedrooms and two will have two bedrooms. All homes will have approximately 1280 square feet of living area.
Habitat selects homeowners based on need, ability to pay, and willingness to partner with the organization. To qualify for homeownership, applicants must be first time home buyers (have not owned a home for the past three years,) and must be living in overcrowded, substandard, temporary, or public housing OR must be paying more than 30% of household income for current housing, and must be unable to secure adequate housing through the private market. The homes must be owner occupied.
Deed restrictions for this project require that homeowners earn 70% of their income in Monroe County. This project is designed to be affordable to prospective buyers who are in the “low income” category as defined by Monroe County, earning a maximum of 80% AMI (Area Median Income.)
Applicants must have stable employment or other source of income, have an acceptable credit history, and have a household income that ensures that no more than 30% of earnings will be utilized to pay for housing costs, including taxes, mortgage, and insurance.
Applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents, must invest 350 hours of “sweat equity” volunteer labor, must attend educational homeownership classes, and must reside in Monroe County for 12 months prior to applying.
There is a $10 non-refundable application fee.
Additional information and application packages are available online at www.habitatlowerkeys.org.
Applications are also available at the administrative office at 6631 Maloney Avenue on Stock Island.
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