Key West Chamber of Commerce extends highest honor to Esther Tupino
The Key West Chamber of Commerce paused during its annual Installation & Awards Banquet to reflect on the importance of community and compassion by honoring Esther Tupino with induction into the organization’s prestigious Hall of Fame.
In announcing Tupino as the 2017 inductee, Bascom Grooms reminded the packed ballroom that membership in the chamber’s Hall of Fame is reserved for local leaders who are at least 55 years old with 15 to 20 years of service in the local business community and at least 10 years commitment to the chamber’s board of directors.
The chamber’s past presidents select any new inductees, though the honor is not presented annually. New members are inducted only when a qualified candidate emerges, and Esther Tupino, a vice president with Centennial Bank, not only meets, but exceeds all the criteria.
Bascom Grooms introduced Tupino by showing a touching documentary called “Connecting Islands” about her recent battle with leukemia and her renewed commitment to family, friends and the important things in life.
Tupino narrated the video, saying, “In early April 2016, I was diagnosed with leukemia. You never think it’s going to be you. I felt sad, alone, like I was an island out in the sea. But it also did something wonderful. It reinvigorated me to keep going. To spend time with family and friends, to do good in the Key West community and to go out and make a difference is what it’s all about.”
She reminded everyone, “There’s too much negativity in the world, and if we can’t reach out to people in our community and form a bond, then, really what’s the point?”
The formally dressed audience that packed the ballroom on January 21st at the Marriott Beachside Hotel nodded in agreement and inspiration.
“There has to be a passion for what you do,” Tupino continued in the film. “We’re all here together, so why not make it easy to help someone? The key is to remember that we are all connected islands. We are all here to help one another.”
Before calling Tupino to the podium, Bascom Grooms listed just a few of her previous honors and accomplishments. AIDS Help named Tupino an Unsung Hero in 2013 and in 2015, she was selected by Samuel’s House as a Woman of Integrity.
In accepting the honor and joining some of the other Hall of Famers who were present – Ed Swift, Frank Toppino, John Parks, Jr., David Paul Horan, Virginia Panico, Sue Barroso, Randy Moore, Daniel Toppino, Alton Weekley, Kim Works and Greg Sullivan — Tupino was the epitome of gratitude and humility.
“This is truly an amazing honor,” she said. “And this is an amazing, amazing, amazing community. It doesn’t matter what color you are, what gender you desire or what status you hold, we all come together when someone is in need, and I’m so proud to be a part of that. Thank you.”
And with that, the audience rose to its collective feet to show its appreciation for Esther Tupino as the latest inductee into the Key West Chamber of Commerce Hall of Fame.
PHOTO CAPTION: Esther Tupino humbly thanked the Key West Chamber of Commerce for honoring her with induction into its prestigious Hall of Fame.
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