2016 FANTASY FEST King And Queen Candidacy Information Session Scheduled For June 9th

The first of two Summer Information Sessions about candidacy for the King and Queen of FANTASY FEST 2016 will take place Thursday June 9th at the Southernmost Beach Resort, 508 SOUTH STREET.

This year’s thematic (always distinct from the official FANTASY FEST platform) is ‘Hocus P.OT.U.S.’. It’s apt, considering this year’s political climate, says Scott Pridgen, Executive Director of AIDS Help, the Agency that benefits from the fundraising campaign.

“We look at this way…why settle for the Presidency and four years of headaches when you can be King or Queen for 12 months?” he remarks.

Have a conflict with the June date? Then bring your enthusiasm to the second Thursday meeting, on July 14th, same time, same place. Both will offer a casual environment to learn more about the King and Queen legacy among Agency staff, supporters and former and current Royalty.

A series of frenzied, frisky, feisty and always fabulous series of events fundraising events strive to raise the most money and ascend a King and a Queen to the Coronation throne mid-October. Special events of benefit to all those competing range from a weekly ‘Aqua Idol’ competition at Aqua nightclub, 711 Duval, on Tuesday evenings to Sunday BINGO upstairs at the 801 Bourbon Bar.

“It takes a special type of person to wear a crown and advocate for our Mission with equal parts determination and kindness,” Pridgen notes. “You lead the Saturday parade but, for 8 weeks, you also lead the Keys toward more information about preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS.”

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