Benefit For Blackie

Dear Editor,

     Some of you know me as the Pati who has called for your support of the countless fundraising events with Barbara Wright for decades, as well as other local benefits, advertising and marketing. Some of you know me as Pati Le Hat, local musical gadfly, singing, shaking maracas and tambourines with local and out of town bands on just about every stage on this Island.

    Today I write to you as mother to Blackie the Boy, my black lab mix who has been the center of my universe since I rescued him on that unforgettable day in March of 2004, when he was a silly four year old. He has been there for me through all the ups and downs of my life. He has gotten me through it all. It is now my turn.

Blackie has just been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer known as nasal transitional carcinoma. Due to his age, his treatment options are limited. We have the best vet in the known universe, Dr. Doug Mader at the helm. He, Dr. Courtney Blumer and the incredible staff at Marathon Veterinary Hospital have been nothing short of angels on Earth. We will insure that Blackie receives any and everything he needs for the rest of journey until he crosses over that Rainbow Bridge

     To date his medical care has already exceeded $1700 and mounting. We are just beginning this battle and it will not be cheap.

As you all know, I am by no means a woman of means. I am now in the financial hole. It is my hope that this Island I call home will come through for Blackie. He’s a tough old guy and he’s not going anywhere quite yet.

     Chris Trevette, owner of Grunts on Caroline has graciously allowed me to hold a fundraiser there Sunday April 17 from mid afternoon on. There will be music, raffles, silent auction items and the love of our One Human Family.I appreciate any and everything that can be donated to see that the “Benefit for Blackie” is a resounding success.

     There is an account at First State Bank in my name with the addition of “Doggie Account” should you so desire. There will be a gofundme site up shortly. If there is anything that you would like to donate, you can always reach me at 305-304-4910 or [email protected] and I am on facebook as Pati Wilson Crimmins. If you wish to donate your musical talent or assistance, I would be most appreciative.

    I have no words to properly convey how much this means to me. Thank you will never be enough. Bless you for your support for my beloved Blackie the Boy!

         Very sincerely,

         Pati Crimmins

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