Sponsorship  Prizes  Volunteers Needed

Dear Valued Chamber Members,

I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for your support of the Key West Chamber of Commerce.   We are gearing up for our 11th Annual “Tiger in the Woods” Golf Tournament scheduled for Sunday, April 24th at the Key West Golf Club.

At this time we are reaching out to our members for your continued support of this event through either a sponsorship, or the donation of gift certificates and/or prizes for this year’s event.   The generosity of our members has enabled us to continue to fund many of the Chamber’s member events and community programs which benefit our entire island. Including a $10,000 donation to FIRM for all of their efforts on behalf of the businesses and residents of our county, and most recently we were able to sponsor a cash prize contest in the amount of $10,000 for a first and second place local float participant in the annual Fantasy Fest Parade.

We are also in need of volunteers to assist the day of the event either as hole watchers, or within our food tent.

We sincerely hope you will consider supporting the 11th Annual Tiger in the Woods Golf Tournament this year.  I am attaching a brochure on the sponsorship levels, as well as details on the event.  For more information contact me at 305-294-2587 or [email protected].   Download Brochure here: Chamber Golf Tournament

Thank you for your consideration, and continued support.

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