Netflix Series“Bloodline” Films At The Monroe County Long Key Transer Station

LONG KEY – Each workday about 250,000 pounds of garbage, yard waste, construction debris, metal, sludge and recycling are brought to the Monroe County Long Key Transfer Station and then hauled to the mainland.

On Thursday many of the large trucks arriving were not filled with solid waste, but with cameras and other equipment needed for the filming of scenes from Season 2 of the Netflix series “Bloodline.” It’s a story that takes place primarily in Islamorada about a family of adult siblings who have their past secrets and scars revealed when their black sheep of a brother returned home.

“I tried to get Sally into the shot,” said Bill Grant, supervisor of Monroe County’s three transfer stations.

Sally, the transfer station’s resident crocodile, spent Thursday building her nest in the pond between the transfer station’s two closed landfills.

It’s unknown if Sally made it into any scenes that featured three of “Bloodline’s” primary actors: Kyle Chandler, who plays John Rayburn, Linda Cardellini (Meg Rayburn) and Norbert Leo Butz (Kevin Rayburn).  In one scene, with the Gulf of Mexico in the background as the sun was beginning to set, the trio had a very heated discussion.

“Most people don’t know how beautiful it is here,” Grant said from atop the taller landfill.

While shooting, the cast and crew did not have to worry about foul odors. The two landfills, one that is 53 feet tall and the other that is about 25 feet, have been capped and closed for about 25 years, Grant said.

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