Annette Taddeo For Congress Launches “Women For Annette”

  1. Annette Taddeo for Congress will be launching Women for Annette, a group of women leaders who support Annette as the next US Representative of Florida’s Congressional District 26.
  2. Annette Taddeo is the former Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor of Florida and would be the first woman representative to Florida’s 26th Congressional district if elected. She has fought for women’s access to health care, education, equal wages, and the environment. FL26 encompasses southwest Miami-Dade and all of Monroe County.
  3. Timeline of events:
  4. 3:00 PM – Press availability for interviews
  5. 3:20 PM – Choir performance
  6. 3:40 PM – Remarks begin
  7. 4:30 PM – Meet and greet with speakers and guests

Available for interviews:

  • Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (D-IL)
  • Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI)
  • Congresswoman Lois Frankel (D-FL)
  • Candidate Annette Taddeo
  • Other Women Leaders of South Florida
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