Valentine’s Day Weekend Pop-up Exhibit At Stock Island Yacht Club To Feature Authentic Island Art Collections

Island art & antique collectors take note:  Valentine’s Day Weekend—February 12-14—will be serenaded by the art collections of Ros Brackenbury, Diane Zolotow, and accompanying select artists in “Collections, Key West”— the second in a series of pop-up exhibits at 6810 Front Street, Stock Island, at Safe Harbor Marina’s Stock Island Yacht Club on Friday 6:00pm-9:00pm, Saturday 12:00pm-9:00pm, and Sunday 10:00am-9:00pm.

“Look for the red doors, just beyond Hogfish Bar & Grill where Shrimp boats, palm trees and random anchors line the docks,” says organizer Karen Wray. “It’s more of a speakeasy than a gallery, a step back in time to the days of Hemingway and Tennessee Williams, rich in colors and textures, wine & vermouth.”

The new pop-up exhibits organized by Wray feature “Island Treasures” from private collections, with this second installment featuring Brackenbury’s and Zolowtow’s collections and select artists including: Mario Sanchez, Makiki, Dalva Duarta, Paul Soldner, John Martini, Debra Yates, Elizabeth Devries, Jimmy Wray, glass blower Wes Hunting, jeweler Tom Mann, Kate Peachey, Danny Soldano, Kasidy Fritts and jeweler Pamela McLeod.

Also showing will be a diverse collection of Cuban carvings and paintings, a vintage headline newspaper and magazine collection, a vintage comic book collection, a Key West Souvenir, arrowhead, and shell collection.

“There will be many treasures from our island’s residents, some from days gone by, others fresh and new,” says Wray. “Let us take you back in time. The prices will fit your budget, whether you pay all at once or take advantage of our payment plan. We’ll even help you hang it!”

Call Karen Wray 305-923-4778 for more information or to arrange a private viewing.

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