Last Stand Annual Meeting Features Photographer Mac Stone

Last Stand will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, January 21st, at 6:00 pm, at The Studios of Key West, 533 Eaton Street in Key West.  This year’s program features the award-winning photography of Mac Stone.

Now based in Gainesville, Stone grew up in Central Florida and shares his adventures in springs and swamps, glaciers and mountain streams through his photography. His work explores the relationship between mankind and the natural world, and Stone’s talk will feature stunning photos of Everglades landscapes and wildlife. Everglades: America’s Wetland, a coffee-table-size book by Stone, will be available for purchase and personalization following the program.

“Last Stand is fortunate to have a world class nature photographer showing the importance of our advocacy efforts for Everglades restoration,” said board president Mark Songer.  “Together with the 60 member organizations of the Everglades Coalition, we’re hopeful this year’s state budget increases funding to bring clean water south and help prevent toxic algae blooms in Florida Bay.”

The annual meeting begins at 6:00 pm with a review of the organization’s activities this past year and a look ahead to 2016. The board will present a Distinguished Member award to Ray Blazevic, whose institutional knowledge of the environmental impacts of development in Key West has been of great value to Last Stand. Election of board members by the general membership will precede Stone’s talk, which will begin about 6:30 pm.

Admission is free and open to the public. Light food and beverages will be available. Last Stand supporters are reminded to renew their annual memberships. Donations are $25 for an individual or $40 for a family and may be paid at the door.

Last Stand is a volunteer organization formed to promote, protect and preserve the quality of life in Key West and the Florida Keys, with a particular emphasis on the environment. Formed in 1987, the group continues to research and comment frequently on city, county, state and national issues affecting our environment and quality of life.

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