Roger C. Kostmayer

The American public does not yet know what special investigator Robert Mueller III knows about Americans conspiring with our foreign adversary.

But we do know with absolute certainty that Russia and Putin cyber attacked the US with the goal of creating chaos and illegally helping elect Donald J. Trump. We know that Russians (many of whom were connected to Putin or Russian intelligence), both during the campaign and the Trump presidency, interacted with 14 Trump associates. We also know the long list of Trump associates who pleaded guilty to, or were convicted of, lying under oath to Congress or the FBI.

If, as many Trump supporters contend, the investigation of collusion with Russia is a baseless witch hunt – why did all these senior Trump officials, and Russians, risk serious jail time and personal ruin by lying ?

And why is it that the current US President, a notorious liar who is inconsistent about everything, been so consistently devoted to the interests of Putin & Russia ? Even after the President was given detailed confirmation of their nefarious acts against our country and US interests.

What might the reasons be?

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