Key West Theater School for the Performing Arts Hosts Children’s Summer Camp

The Key West Theater School for the Performing Arts will be holding a multidisciplinary theatrical summer camp from July 17–21. The camp will focus on teaching students acting, singing, and dancing as well as the vocabulary of the theater, in addition to how to collaborate, fail forward, and create their own art so they have a chance to live in the world successfully as artists, should they choose to do so. If they choose another path, they will still have a deep understanding of and appreciation for the arts and be able to apply the skills learned (collaboration, failing forward, and creating their own projects) to whatever career they choose.
Classes will be held daily from noon to 5pm and are open to students from age 8 to 18. The students will be divided into age groups (8–12 and 13–18) and will take all classes within those cohorts. In addition to courses on acting, singing, and dancing, every day there will be one class that is outside of the typical disciplines, including improvisation, songwriting, and storytelling. The Key West Theater School for the Performing Arts Summer Camp will be the kick-off of additional year-round educational programming that will be added throughout the school year.
The Key West Theater School for the Performing Arts is located inside the Key West Theater at 512 Eaton Street in Old Town. For more information about the summer camp and to enroll, please contact Artistic Director Juliet Gray at or (305) 985-0433. Tuition is $250 and scholarship opportunities are available.
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