Conch Republic Days Supports Wesley House Foster Children

Claim your position in the Conch Republic Family. Any serious or silly rank or position is acceptable, except King, Mel Fisher will always be King. In the event of multiple candidates for the lofty position of Queen and because there can only be one Queen of the Conch Republic, the candidate earning the most votes will assume the title of Queen.  Others will be deemed “Queen(s) in Waiting.

On April 23rd , from 8-11 at Rick’s/Durty Harry’s, 202 Duval St., one of the past queens, Leigha Fox, will be hosting the Conch Republic Royal Investiture where Candidates will raise money for the Conch Republic Foster Children’s Fund.  Anyone raising $50 or more will earn their royal title. You may begin to raise funds immediately. Every dollar you raise will count as a vote in your quest to obtain your title.  Dollars raised may be dropped off at the Wesley House Family Services office (1304 Truman Avenue in Key West) any time before 5:00 p.m. on April 22, 2016, and will be counted toward your royal campaign coffer.  Funds accumulated after that time will be counted at the Investiture.

The Conch Republic Foster Children’s Fund, founded around 1999, reaches out and touches a child’s life at the moment it means the most. Over the years, the fund has bought football and baseball uniforms, paid for class trips, bought prom and Quinces dresses, paid for trips to the hairdresser, eyeglasses, class rings, birthday presents, clothes and countless other things, big and little, that meant all the world in that moment; things not covered by State dollars.

Applications can be found at the Wesley House website, or contacting Claire Hiller at 305-809-5000 ext. 230 or [email protected].

About Wesley House Family Services:

Wesley House Family Services is a nationally accredited, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to protecting and nurturing children and strengthening families with services spanning Monroe County, Florida. For more information, please call 305-809-5000 or visit

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