Key West Zonta Club Receives Community Foundation Grant Award

The Zonta Club of Key West has received a Community Foundation of the Florida Keys grant award from its new “Vision 20/20” Florida Keys Future Fund. The $4,000 award allows members of the Zonta service club to further develop its new “Journey To Success” workshop, debuted in January, designed to enhance the skills of women and high school students in Key West and the Lower Keys seeking to advance their careers.

“Journey To Success” was recognized as a brand new initiative for Zonta Club of Key West based on its innovation, community impact, and collaboration. The workshop was designed and held in conjunction with Isle Style, other business women in the community and Zonta members. It provided a day of experiential learning covering resume and job application skills, interview skills, communication skills, job etiquette and tips on how to dress for professional success. Lunch and networking, along with door prizes and donated business attire were also provided so that every woman could feel fully prepared for a professional interview.

“This award will allow us to expand the program in important ways to include more women in the community,” said Zonta Board Member, Nicole Belles, who wrote the grant application.

“We are incredibly grateful to the Community Foundation for this recognition and support” added Zonta President, Lisa Benfield.

Additional funds will allow the program to provide transportation and childcare, which were impediments to participation, as well as greater outreach to expand attendance. Plans are also underway to partner with more professionals in the community and to expand the curriculum to include budgeting, time management and other important life skills.

Zonta Club of Key West was chartered in 1981, and is part of an international, global service organization of executives in business and the professions with nearly 33,000 members in more than 1,200 Zonta Clubs operating in 68 countries and geographic areas. Together they work locally and globally to improve the legal, political, economic, health, educational, and professional status of women; promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; and work for the advancement of understanding, goodwill, and peace through world-wide fellowship.

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