Press Release From The Office Of The State Attorney

Pierson Villalobos was sentenced to 30 years in Florida State Prison at the Marathon Courthouse on Tuesday. The Honorable Ruth Becker presided over the sentencing hearing and adjudicated Villalobos guilty of two counts of DUI Manslaughter for the deaths of Deborah Mangrum and Christopher Jennings on November 28, 2009. Judge Becker also sentenced the defendant to a lifetime driver’s license revocation, payment of restitution, cost of prosecution and cost of investigation.

Assistant State Attorneys Colleen Reed and Carla Litrenta represented the State of Florida. Assistant Public Defenders Trish Docherty-Gibson, Jerry Gilhooley and Victor Palacios represented Villalobos.

Villalobos was found guilty by a six person jury on February 11, 2016. The jury deliberated in the case for less than an hour.

The accident occurred on November 28, 2009. Villalobos’ blood alcohol readings varied between 3.41 and 3.91, over 4 times the legal limit. This case was originally tried in 2012 but had to be retried in 2016 after his original conviction was overturned on appeal.

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