Florida Department Of Health In  Monroe County Addresses  County Health Rankings

Monroe County – The Florida Department of Health in Monroe County recognizes the value in

measuring health outcomes and today acknowledged the 2016 County Health Rankings &

Roadmaps tool released by the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson

Foundation. This study highlights the many community factors that influence health and uses

established data, much of which is available from the department at www.floridacharts.com.

Dr. Mark Whiteside, the department’s Medical Director states that, “The Florida Keys enjoy one

of the healthiest physical environments in Florida. We can be proud of our achievements in

public health which have put Monroe County in the top tier of healthiest counties in the state.”

These rankings are a snapshot of the health of counties across the country and they emphasize

that health is not a singular effort, but a combined work in progress across all community

partners. The department works in collaboration with local governments, non-profit

organizations, health care facilities, business groups, schools, faith-based organizations and

many other stakeholders to improve the health of all people in Monroe County. These rankings

use data related to physical environments, social and economic factors, health behaviors and

clinical care.

In Monroe County, the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is designed to address

specific opportunities for improved health that have been identified by the community. The

department has partnered with many stakeholders to implement the CHIP and collaborates

regularly to track progress.

“There are many opportunities for physical activity in the Florida Keys making the physical

environment one of the healthiest in Florida” states Bill Brookman, the department’s Community

Health Director. For instance, as a result of public input from residents of Key Largo,

recommendations were outlined to promote a safe, walkable and bicycle friendly environment

along the U.S. 1 corridor. Monroe County government has made substantial progress toward

the completion of the U.S. 1 Bayside Trail that will run from mile marker 106 to approximately

mile marker 99. “Completed portions of the trail are already popular with pedestrians and

bicyclists,” according to Brookman. “In Marathon, progress is being made toward the realization

of a community swimming pool. Local government, citizen groups and the local health

department are working together to make this a reality.”

Dr. Whiteside added, “among the most important preventable/life-style causes of disease and

death – namely smoking, obesity, and heavy alcohol – here, in Monroe County, we do better

with diet, exercise and weight. Smoking accounts for only slightly more than the state average,

but we have the highest percentage of heavy drinkers in the state. If we all redouble our efforts

to improve our ‘bad habits,’ we would almost certainly boast the healthiest county in Florida!”

One of the many community partners that are working toward healthier behaviors in the

community, is the Monroe County Coalition. Susan Moore, Executive Director of the coalition,

states that “Monroe County Coalition works with the Florida Department of Health, Keys to Be

the Change, the Sheriff’s Office, Key West Police Department, and private businesses on

strategies to reduce underage drinking, binge drinking, and tobacco usage.”

Last week, the Florida Department of Health became the first integrated department of health in

the nation to achieve national accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board.

Public health departments play a critical role in protecting and improving the health of people

and communities. The seal of accreditation signifies that the Florida Department of Health has

been rigorously examined and meets or exceeds national standards that promote continuous

quality improvement for public health.

About the Florida Department of Health

The department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to

protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county

and community efforts.

Follow us on Twitter at @HealthyFla and on Facebook. For more information about the Florida

Department of Health please visit www.FloridaHealth.gov.

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