Freebo Joins CW Colt At Blue Room Listening Concert
On Thursday, March 31st enjoy the funkified precision and fluid soulful music of Freebo in an intimate ‘listening room’ concert setting. Feebro joins local musician, C W Colt, who is the host of the new live music event called “Songs and Stories held at The Bottle Cap’s ‘Blue Room’.
Freebo (Daniel Friedberg) is an award winning singer/songwriter, guitarist, bassist, tuba player and producer noted primarily for his work with Bonnie Raitt. He is also a respected session musician who has recorded and performed with Ringo Starr, John Mayall, John Hall, Aaron Neville, Dr. John, Willy DeVille, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Maria Muldaur, Kate & Anna McGarrigle and many others. Freebo is a highly respected folk-rock-blues icon.
“Songs and Stories” at the Blue Room is an opportunity to experience visiting and local songwriters in an ‘up close and personal’ concert setting. Carolyn Sullivan, co-owner of the newly restyled room at the BottleCap Lounge has planned on creating this listening room event for years. A perfect synergy has developed with CW Colt, a Singer/Songwriter of local and National renown, who has been promoting Songwriters in Key West for decades.
CW says, “It’s a great match for sure….. to have a venue where you can hear the songs and the stories behind them. You‘ll get the inside story about what was going on in the writer’s mind and life when the song came to life. And at The Blue Room every seat is perfect for the songwriter experience, where the words matter.”
Doors will open at 7:00 PM with Meet-Greet-Eat with the show beginning at 8:00 PM. Entry price is $25. Guests will enjoy an opportunity to meet and mingle with the artists and will receive complimentary gift bags with CDs and more.
The Blue Room’s Songs and Stories will continue to feature local and national Artists on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Visit their website for more information or to pre order your tickets at www.keywestsongsandstories. com. You also never know who is going to just show up and sit in! No TVs, games or distractions, it is all about the songs and stories. Guests will be asked to turn off cell phones and limit conversations to respect the artist’s performance. The Blue Room is located at BottleCap, 1128 Simonton Street in Key West. For more information about “Songs and Stories’ call CW Colt at 305-797-3465.
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