FIRM Invites Keys Residents To Its Annual Meeting

Key West, Florida – March 8, 2016Fair Insurance Rates in Monroe (FIRM) invites all residents of Monroe County to its Annual Meeting to be held on March 16, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in BOCC Chambers at the Harvey Government Center, 1200 Truman Avenue, in Key West.

During the meeting, FIRM President Mel Montagne, Vice President Steve Russ, CRS Committee Chair Michael Larson, and special guest Monroe County Mayor Heather Carruthers will provide an overview of FIRM’s recent successes and activities, its 2016 legislative priorities for ensuring fair flood and windstorm insurance rates for property owners in the Keys, FIRM’s Reduce Insurance Premiums Project, the Community Rating System, and FIRM’s increasing emphasis on community outreach, research, and actions to enable policyholders to reduce their property insurance rates.

FIRM was founded ten years ago to combat escalating windstorm insurance premiums in the Florida Keys. Keys residents faced dramatic increases in their windstorm coverage through Citizens Property Insurance, despite few claims having been filed. Analysis of premiums collected versus claims paid demonstrated the increases were not justified.

FIRM succeeded in rolling back a 20% increase that had been implemented in August of 2006, and derailing a proposed 32% increase planned for 2007. Since then, FIRM was successful in slowing the rate of increase on wind insurance costs and in helping to repeal the most onerous aspects of 2012’s federal flood insurance reform. Year after year, FIRM works to hold back rate increases and changes in coverage that adversely affect Keys residents.

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