Axiom Brass Quintet To Bring It’s Majestic Sound To Key West

The final concert of Impromptu Classical Concerts highly successful 2016 season brings the exciting sounds of the Axiom Brass Quintet to St. Paul’s Church, on Sunday, March 13 at 4:00pm. The ensemble is comprised of Dorival Puccini, Jr. and Kristofer Hammond, trumpets; Jacob DiEdwardo, horn; Serdar Cizmeci, Trombone and Kevin Harrison, tuba. Glorious music from Europe and The Americas are featured.

Axiom Brass Quintet spokes-person, the aptly-named Dorival Puccini, Jr. discusses the concert: “The program is a blend of early music which fits the majestic sound of brass instruments and original compositions for brass quintet that have become staples of the brass chamber music repertoire.  We begin with a short, yet ecstatic “Mini Overture” by polish composer, Witold Lutosławski, but we immediately move back in time to the English Renaissance with ‘Elizabethan Dance Suite’ by Anthony Holborne.”

The whirlwind musical tour continues: “From England, we skip to Germany with the glory of J.S.Bach and a suite from ‘Die Kunst der Fuge’ (Art of the Fugue). We return to England but we move forward a few centuries with Oscar winning composer, Sir Malcolm Arnold, ‘Quintet for Brass, Opus 73’ to finish the first half of the concert. The second half of the program begins with the music of Scandinavian composer, Anders Hillborg. ‘Brass Quintet'” is a masterful display of colors and effects for brass.”

And now on to the New World. Mr. Puccini, Jr.: “We continue with an entirely different exploration of effects and colors in brass music with ‘the maddening crowd’, a piece by American composer, Lansing McLoskey (a Miami native), in a five-part piece that is unlike anything else in the brass repertoire. Of the many brilliant ideas presented in this piece, my favorite is how McLoskey is capable of creating a solo that is nothing short of a Jimmy Hendricks-like display of virtuosity for the tuba. We finish the evening in Argentina with a tango by the master himself, Astor Piazzolla. ‘Oblivion’ is one of the most beautiful tangos ever composed”.

The ensemble’s enthusiasm for their Key West appearance is not limited to only the program, however. Mr. Puccini, Jr. explains: “Our horn player is originally from West Palm Beach. I, myself, spent two years living in Boca Raton, and our other trumpeter lived in Tallahassee for four years. So it is very special for us to be back in Florida.  But the fact that we get to leave the cold from the Midwest behind and land in one of the most beautiful, sunny places in the country makes it just perfect!  We can’t wait to visit …” And Key West eagerly awaits the arrival of The Axiom Brass Quintet.

Concert tickets are $20 at the door one hour before the performance or online: or  Any questions please call 305.745.2283, Season subscription pass (6 concerts) – $100. Subscription passes can be used for all concerts or for multiple guests at one or more concerts. All students free.

PR contact: George Fontana   [email protected]     305.304.3203

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