Annette Taddeo And South Florida Leaders Call On Congress To Act On Zika Virus
Miami, FL — The health of the American people is one of our highest priorities. Our past success in combating diseases is largely due to our preparedness for any situation. That is why we need emergency funding to combat the Zika virus.
Florida is a hotbed for the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which is how the Zika Virus is mainly spread. This is of special concern to pregnant women. Scientists are still investigating the correlation between Zika and birth defects. We’ve fought outbreaks of other tropical diseases in South Florida such as Dengue and Chikungunya in the past thanks to rapid response. Supplemental funding for this mosquito-borne disease is urgently needed to help us find a vaccine, treatment, and deterrence. Rejecting the emergency funding request leaves South Florida at risk of inadequately combating Zika.
Moreover, we cannot raid the Ebola emergency fund for Zika. Not only would we reduce our ability to respond to future global Ebola outbreaks, but also risk limiting our readiness for Zika. We call on the House Committee of Appropriations to reconsider their rejection and promptly allocate funds to help defend against the Zika virus. Our community is counting on us.
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