Fran Decker And Marc Hacker At Frangipani March 4

Frangipani Gallery presents new work by Fran Decker and Marc Hacker. Come meet the artists Friday March 4, 6-9 PM at Frangipani Gallery 1102A Duval as part of the Upper Duval First Friday Art Stroll.
Both Fran and Marc are deeply inspired by the sea. Marc’s new octopus vase and conch fountains clearly show his love of place. Many of Fran’s new acrylic paintings focus on that intersection of sea and sky. Fran has been painting memories of her sailing days with her late husband Bob and the emotions are evident, particularly in the abstract pieces.

Drawn to new ideas in an old art form, Marc creates unique ceramics with the craft of ancient potters. Wheel thrown parts altered with sculptured elements are used to make the pieces in raku, stoneware or porcelain. While a few pieces are his interpretations of museum pieces, most have details found on ancient work.

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