LWV Offers GOTV ‘Antidote To Fear’

The theme of this election year’s work for the Lower Keys League of Women Voters will be “Get Out the Vote (GOTV): Your Antidote to Fear,” members affirmed at the nonpartisan organization’s annual meeting this week. New officers and directors, limited to two-year terms, were elected as well.

Presiding for President Joan Wallin, who was ill, was Director-at-Large Linda Grist Cunningham.

“The 2016 elections offer the league and its members significant challenges, especially in Key West and the Lower Keys. Voter registration in Monroe County is among the highest in the country — nearly everyone who is eligible to vote is registered,” noted Wallen in prepared remarks read to the assembly. “Our challenge is to get out the vote for each of the three 2016 elections: The March 15 Presidential Preference Primary; the Aug. 30 Primary; and the Nov. 8 General Election. Our chapter will devote its 2016 community efforts to educating the public on the importance of voting — even in the face of significant feelings of why bother,” she pledged.

The slate, which was elected by acclamation, was presented by 2016-17 nominating committee: chapter Secretary Joy Brown Taylor and members at large Diane Johnson and Kris Griffin. Reelected were Grist Cunningham, Vice President Jane Gladson and Treasurer Sandy Bergin. Elected for her first term was Director-at-Large Miriam Novotny.

Continuing on the board are Wallin, Brown Taylor and Director-at-Large Donna Windle.
Anyone interested in membership–and LWV has welcomed men since since the 1960s–is invited to contact Donna Windle at 305-304-1863 or visit the chapter’s website at lowerkeyslwv.org.

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