United Way Of The Florida Keys Celebrates Publix Appreciation Day

Wednesday, February 24th, United Way of the Florida Keys visited Publix stores in Key West, Marathon, and Key Largo to thank employees for their generous campaign support.
Publix Supermarkets is the top supporter of UWFK’s campaign. In 2015, through individual paycheck donations and a generous corporate matching gift, Publix’s in the Keys gave UWFK nearly $175,000. This is an increase by approximately 20% from last year.

UWFK board members, staff, and volunteers celebrated Publix’s long-term commitment to strengthening the Keys community by walking store aisles and visiting store break rooms to thank employees in person. United Way is incredibly thankful to Publix for their leadership, compassion, and generosity. Our community benefits immensely from the food, education, and safety net programs their donations help fund!
Donations to support the work of UWFK and our local nonprofit partner agencies are accepted year-round. If you would like to make a donation, you can access our online giving portal by clicking the “Donate” button at http://www.keysunitedway.org. Thank you for helping us in our mission to become the leader in community caring!

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