Call To Visual Artists

The Monroe County Tourist Development Council, Tinsley Advertising and the Cultural Umbrella of the Florida Keys & Key West are calling artists to submit artwork for the Culture 2017 magazine cover and interior. Culture 2017 magazine, an annual publication, is distributed to galleries, chambers of commerce and arts organizations throughout the Keys. It is also the insert in the In-room Concierge publication in over 3,900 guestrooms within the Keys reaching over 500,000 visitors annually. The magazine includes information on the Keys’ performing, literary and visual arts, an annual calendar of events and advertisements.

Artwork selected for the cover will receive $1,000.00 for one-time usage in Culture 2017. Both vertical and horizontal images (up to 3) may be submitted, and if chosen will receive a byline with artists’ name. Only online applications will be accepted.

Artists may submit up to three images by completing the online application.

Deadline for entries is Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 5:00 pm

Questions: Florida Keys Council of the Arts
Phone: 305-295-436

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