FKCC’s “Mud-Pi” Event Serves Food And Art

KEY WEST, FL, February 5, 2016—Florida Keys Community College’s student ceramics club Mud-Pi will hold its annual fund-raising event on Friday, February 19 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the Key West Campus around the Jay Gogin “Essence of Life” Memorial Fountain.  The party will feature fine food and drinks, live music by the Marty Stonely Band, and art created by FKCC students. Tickets can be purchased in advance for $30 at or for $35 at the door.

As per tradition, attendees will be able to select their own student-crafted ceramic bowl from which to enjoy their meal and then keep as a commemorative souvenir.  The funds raised will be used to purchase materials and equipment that enable Mud-Pi to continue to beautify and enrich the community.  For more than 20 years, the talented students of Mud-Pi have generously created dozens of ornate ceramic wall murals and garden fountains that grace many locations in the Keys and provide the College’s Key West Campus its signature aesthetic.  The department also hosts young students—elementary through high school grades—as well as special needs groups to introduce them to the fine art of pottery.

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