Lower Keys Medical Center Welcomes Izzy Kohler, DPT As Its  New Rehabilitation Director

Doctor of Physical Therapy, Izzy Kohler has joined Lower Keys Medical Center in Key West,

Florida as its Rehabilitation Director overseeing its inpatient and outpatient physical and

occupational therapy departments. She has relocated to Key West from Bradenton, FL where

she was the Regional Therapy Director at US Healthworks in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and

North Carolina. Izzy brings 8 years of rehabilitation experience to Key West.

Dr. Kohler holds a Bachelor in Mathematical Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in

Troy, NY. She also holds a Bachelor in Health Studies and her Doctorate of Physical Therapy,

both from Utica College in Utica, New York.

As the Director of both the inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation departments at Lower Keys

Medical Center, Dr. Kohler is responsible for the management of physical and occupation

therapy staff, budget, education, quality, recruitment and retention.

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