Complementing Health At The Crystal Cottage

Complementing Health At The Crystal CottageThe Body Concierge is hosting another fun and exciting event, this time at The Crystal Cottage in Big Pine Key!  On Monday, February 15, Eric will be joining Debra Kupchok to explain how the physical properties of crystals and other stones can measurably affect your body and its ability to heal.  Join us at 5:45pm for an evening of discovery.  You’ve probably seen or heard something about The Body Concierge and the events hosted around The Keys.  You may have seen something that wasn’t your thing, or you may have even seen an event that you may have liked to attend!  If you’ve yet to attend one, check out our Facebook for future events.  A wide range of topics are covered, and you are sure to come upon one you will enjoy!  To RSVP to this event, call Eric at 305-842-1320 or visit and click on ‘Events’.  The Crystal Cottage is located at 31335 Ave D.

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