Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016, 3 p.m.

Marathon Government Center

2798 Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 47.5


MARATHON – The Land Authority Governing Board is holding a special meeting to select a new executive director to replace Mark Rosch, who held the position for 22 years and is stepping down for quality of life reasons. Rosch will continue to work in Land Authority as a senior property acquisition specialist; and he will work closely with the new executive director to create a smooth transition.

A review committee ranked the 34 applicants and “highly recommends” three candidates: Charles Barrowclough, Cynthia Guerra and Charles Pattison. At 1 p.m., they each will have private one-on-one interviews with the Board of County Commissioners, who will sit as the Land Authority Governing Board.

At 3 p.m., the public portion begins. Each candidate will make a five-minute presentation before the board, which will further interview the applicants. After their presentations, the public can provide input. The board will discuss the applicants. The board will either make a selection at that time or schedule additional interviews, possibly with other applicants, if no candidate is selected.

Here is a link to the agenda, which also provides resumes of each of the top candidates:

The Monroe County Land Authority purchases property in the county for conservation, recreation and affordable housing. The Authority was established in 1986 to assist in the implementation of landuse plans as an intermediary between land owners and government agencies that regulate land use.

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