Key West, Florida, December 16, 2015

The Executive Board and Board of Directors of FIRM would like to take this opportunity to graciously thank, Karen Sharp and First State Bank for their generous donation to FIRM.

Karen Sharp and First State Bank presented FIRM with a $1,000.00 donation at its last board meeting in November.  With donations like this from First State Bank, private donations, and other businesses FIRM is able to continue our fight for fair insurance rates for everyone in the Florida Keys.  Anyone wishing to donate to FIRM can do so at FIRMKEYS.org.

FIRM was founded nine years ago to combat escalating windstorm insurance premiums in the Florida Keys. Keys residents faced dramatic increases in their windstorm coverage through Citizens Property Insurance, despite few claims having been filed. Analysis of premiums collected versus claims paid demonstrated the increases were not justified.

FIRM succeeded in rolling back a 20% increase that had been implemented in August of 2006, and derailing a proposed 32% increase planned for 2007. Since then, FIRM was successful in slowing the rate of increase on wind insurance costs and in helping to repeal the most onerous aspects of 2012’s federal flood insurance reform. Year after year, FIRM works to hold back more increases and changes in coverage that adversely affect Keys residents.

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