Cosmetic Shop Complaints Continue

City code complaints continue to be lodged against Duval Street cosmetics shops as their numbers grow.
Two Key West visitors lodged complaints against Oro Gold, 518 Duval Street on November 16 reporting the store manager applied cosmetics before telling them the cost. City code requires a written cost sheet be provided before any cosmetics are applied.
Oro Gold was also cited October 1, by the city code office for operating without a permit and August 7, for charging a Dustin Florida couple $3,225 in unauthorized credit card charges and not providing the required prior written statement of cost.
That violation resulted in a $500 fine and was also referred to The State Attorneys office for investigation. One hundred and three days after the incident the couples money was returned.
Adore Organic Innovations, a cosmetics shop at 119 Duval was cited June 17, for failing to provide the required written statement of cost before a sale of $12,400. On July 29 the complaint went before the Special Magistrate. The store was found in violation and fined $500 but refused to accept the returned unopened merchandise. The store was also cited October 16  for operating without the required permit.
The same store was the scene of sidewalk protest in April, after charging a senior citizen with mental illnesses more than $40,000 for cosmetics. The store recently changed its name and is currently operating as Kristals Cosmetics at 119 Duval Street.
A spokesperson for The Key West Rip Off Rapid Response Team called the new violations, “Deeply troubling,” and promised to investigate. Spokesperson Bruce Mitchell said, “The fact cosmetic shops are multiplying like rabbits may lead to even more consumer rip offs.”
In May, there were four cosmetic stores offering free samples in their doorways, today there are eight. The stores are located at 291 and 407 Front Street and 119, 120, 211, 218, 423, and 518 Duval Street.
Tevis Wernicoff, also of The Key West Rip Off Rapid Response Team warns consumers, “If you take a free sample of cosmetics in Key West you are half way to becoming the victim of a deceptive,high pressure sales scam.”
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