Firearm control laws ( I hesitate using GUN Laws because of definition and uses) are a mockery no matter how you write them. In a sane society only Game Wardens and Zoo Keepers need to defend against unruly animals. No human should logically have to bring harm or death to another. BUT, in todays Petri dish of incompetent groveling meat eaters, one has to defend oneself somehow. A Firearm, sword, spear, club, trained fist, big boot or fast sneakers have become the way sadly. Those at the criminal and mentally ill level of our greatly undereducated tribe have no means to correct their situation. This is why violence is paramount in their deranged thought patterns. Sadly there seems to be little hope for the sane and logical members of our cave dwellers except flight to another rock around another sun, but that is in the dreams of a few. Suffer as me must with the ill, the mad, the hate, and the arms manufactures profiteering, I see no bright light at the end of the target range. So with that in mind and the fact that the Bad Guys will always harbor deadly weapons of some sort, I will too! Sometimes it is very good to be very old!
Big deal!
You should be worried about the “good ole boy” politics in our city and county. Look at the deal with Robert Dean. Two City Council Members and the City Clerk saying that he LEGALLY lives/Votes in Key West, when ALL the evidence shows that he lives in Key Haven. Apparently these two learned nothing by seeing their Cohorts in crime just got voted out of office.
Perhaps, instead of focusing on the content of Sowell’s article pro-gun article, attention should be given to the where and the why of its appearance. Therein lies the real issue. The publications advocating and proliferating the content represent a greater threat. Without a Joseph Goebbels to propagate his lies Hitler would be little more than a pathetic footnote in German historical annals.
My comment:
Wow…This is such a clear cut violation of trust of the people! Jimmy and Clayton, I thought I knew ye. This will hurt you guys in the future. By the time anything gets done to alter this travesty, Dean will probably have expired anyway. Disappointed doesn’t describe it. What does Dean have on you guys?
Firearm control laws ( I hesitate using GUN Laws because of definition and uses) are a mockery no matter how you write them. In a sane society only Game Wardens and Zoo Keepers need to defend against unruly animals. No human should logically have to bring harm or death to another. BUT, in todays Petri dish of incompetent groveling meat eaters, one has to defend oneself somehow. A Firearm, sword, spear, club, trained fist, big boot or fast sneakers have become the way sadly. Those at the criminal and mentally ill level of our greatly undereducated tribe have no means to correct their situation. This is why violence is paramount in their deranged thought patterns. Sadly there seems to be little hope for the sane and logical members of our cave dwellers except flight to another rock around another sun, but that is in the dreams of a few. Suffer as me must with the ill, the mad, the hate, and the arms manufactures profiteering, I see no bright light at the end of the target range. So with that in mind and the fact that the Bad Guys will always harbor deadly weapons of some sort, I will too! Sometimes it is very good to be very old!
Big deal!
You should be worried about the “good ole boy” politics in our city and county. Look at the deal with Robert Dean. Two City Council Members and the City Clerk saying that he LEGALLY lives/Votes in Key West, when ALL the evidence shows that he lives in Key Haven. Apparently these two learned nothing by seeing their Cohorts in crime just got voted out of office.
Perhaps, instead of focusing on the content of Sowell’s article pro-gun article, attention should be given to the where and the why of its appearance. Therein lies the real issue. The publications advocating and proliferating the content represent a greater threat. Without a Joseph Goebbels to propagate his lies Hitler would be little more than a pathetic footnote in German historical annals.
For Loyd. The Blue Paper article on Bubba Dean:
My comment:
Wow…This is such a clear cut violation of trust of the people! Jimmy and Clayton, I thought I knew ye. This will hurt you guys in the future. By the time anything gets done to alter this travesty, Dean will probably have expired anyway. Disappointed doesn’t describe it. What does Dean have on you guys?