JIATFS Conducts Change of Command Ceremony


KEY WEST, Fla. – U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Steve Mehling, relinquished command to U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Christopher Tomney, in a Joint Interagency Task Force-South (JIATF-S) change of command ceremony at The Tennessee Williams Theatre, Key West, Florida, on Thursday, April 30.  U.S. Marine General John F. Kelly, Commander of United States Southern Command, presided at the ceremony.
Over the last two years, Rear Admiral Mehling’s leadership and innovative efforts across a wide spectrum of counter illicit trafficking initiatives resulted in major contributions of vital importance to United States national security.  His strategic engagement and coalition building improved Partner Nation relationships and increased support to the interdiction of illicit traffickers, resulted in JIATF-S being responsible for 76% of all US cocaine disruptions and unparalleled levels of success against transnational criminal organizations.


JIATF-S is just one of three primary U.S. Centers responsible for detection, monitoring, tracking, and hand-off of suspect drug trafficking and illicit air and maritime trafficking events to law enforcement agencies and regional partner nations. Rear Adm. Mehling was awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal and recognized for his superb leadership and operational acumen that improved Partner Nation relationships and increased support to the interdiction of illicit drug trafficking. Rear Adm. Mehling recognized the JIATF-S staff for their commitment, “This award only serves to spotlight the outstanding performance of all of the men and women at JIATF-South over the past two years. They have truly stepped up and met the challenge that I gave them when I assumed command: (1) to be proactive and lean forward in accomplishing our mission; (2) to take care of our people; and (3) to be good stewards of the taxpayer’s resources as we provide the citizens of this great nation superior service every day.”


His previous flag officer tours included Commander, Force Readiness Command (FORCECOM), Director of Operations, Coast Guard Atlantic Area, and Commander of the Fourteenth Coast Guard District.
Rear Adm. Mehling holds a Bachelor of Science degree with high honors in Mathematics from the Coast Guard Academy and a Master of Science degree in Management from the University of Maryland.
Rear Adm. Mehling’s awards includes two Legions of Merit, four Meritorious Service Medals with Operational Device, two Air Medals, two Coast Guard Commendation Medals with Operational Device, the 9-11 Medal and numerous other team, unit, and individual awards.
Rear Adm. Mehling will retire from the Coast Guard after 35 years of distinguished service and will reside in Las Vegas, NV.
Rear Adm. Tomney comes to JIATF-South from Washington, D.C. where he served as Assistant Commandant for Intelligence and Criminal Investigations.  In Adm. Tomney’s previous Flag assignment, he acted as Director for Joint Interagency Task Force-West.
Rear Adm. Tomney graduated from the Coast Guard Academy in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Science. He earned a Master of Science degree in Strategic Intelligence from the Defense Intelligence College and completed a federal executive fellowship at the Brookings Institution, earning the Brookings Certificate in Public Leadership.
Rear Adm. Tomney is the fourteenth Director of the Joint Task Force, originally established as Joint Task Force Four on 22 February 1989.


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