Venus in Fur


By Diane Johnson


Sensual, tantalizing and full of fun, Venus in Fur now playing at the Red Barn Theatre will stimulate your erotic fantasies.


Written by David Ives, Venus in Fur is set in New York City, in a sleazy audition room complete with crooked blinds and fluorescent lighting. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Play in 2012, this delightful show is directed by Murphy Davis. Completely at home in Key West, Davis is committed to the development and production of new plays. Venus in Fur is a play within a play. As the curtain opens we see a frustrated director who has auditioned 30 women in one day, none of them good enough for the part. He is looking for the impossible combination of sweet feminine innocence and a sex goddess yet someone who can satisfy his need to be possessed.


Erin McKenna is Vanda, the sexy and smart actress who is hours late for her audition with writer director Thomas Novacheck, played by Matt Hollis Hulsey. The two actors trade roles through out the production. Vanda is the apologetic and talented young ingénue with Thomas as the proper and critical writer looking for the perfect match in an actress. Matt delivers a brilliant performance as the sexually unfulfilled man trying to act normal. Erin McKenna is perfectly cast in the role as Vanda. Her delicious energy, both physical and sexual is a perfect match for Matt Hollis Hulsey’s scripted and transparently predictable life. His confusion when confronted with Vanda’s impulsive nature is truly heartfelt. He’s never met anyone like her, except for that Aunt when he was only 12. Uptight and trying not to be, it is though Vanda that Thomas is finally able to let go and be himself. Both actors evolve and expand before our very eyes entering emotionally into their respective roles, surprising each other with their energy for the parts they play. Eventually, we learn about their past lives and their core inner selves are exposed.


The story has many themes, which are woven throughout the show. The 1800’s, where the “play” is taking place, are a time of repression for women. Men are in control of money, property and ultimately women’s lives. However, transcending all boundaries of time and Victorian propriety the production features the sadomasochism dynamic. As the plot unfolds, we see a blurring of the roles of actress and director. Finally, Thomas succumbs to the allure of the goddess Venus and agrees to be her servant. Think 50 Shades of Gray but the woman is the aggressor. Add in the thunder and lightning and you have the makings of a dramatically sexual repartee.


Like electrons revolving around the nucleus of an atom, Venus in Fur features the orbiting of old fashioned femininity versus the feminist mystic against a backdrop of sexual prowess.


Venus in Fur is playing at the Red Barn theatre from April 29th through May 23rd. Tickets are available on line at: or by calling the box office at: 305-296-9911.

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