Royal opening for Mosaic Project – April 2


The Connections Project, the Florida Keys Council of the Arts’ moveable feast of small canvases comprising a 24-foot mosaic mural of six-by-six-inch fine art works representing almost all media, nears the end of its 2015 exhibition season with two Key West showings beginning Thursday, April 2 at Royal Furniture in Searstown. The public is invited to a festive Opening Reception from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.


This 3rd annual mosaic premiered in Key Largo, traveled to Ocean Sotheby’s in Islamorada and continued to Royal Furniture in Marathon and most recently to Artists in Paradise Gallery in Big Pine Key. The final stop on the road show will be the Gato Building, the council’s home at Simonton and Virginia streets in Old Town from May 1 till May 8.


“This year’s work represents the best and most diverse to date, many have commented at our earlier receptions how marvelous the 2015 collection is, we are so proud of this project” said Arts Council Executive Director, Liz Young. About 80% percent have been contributed by professional artists whose work sells for hundreds if not thousands of dollars, and in a lottery-like distribution, everyone has an opportunity to enjoy one of these beautiful canvases. Donations are being accepted of $35 per canvas or three for $100. It’s an unique way to support the arts council,” she said, adding that, unlike previous mosaics, “this project was limited to adults – we will be creating a kids’ mosaic this summer for youth/emerging talent throughout the Keys. This ups the odds for receiving professional work.”


“The adult professionals’ work is exquisite,” sighed lifelong collector and Konk Life Culture Vulture, and newly elected to the position of board alternate and experienced press writer Constance Gilbert. “I own three from last year’s and all were gifted to appreciative friends and family.


The mosaic will be on display at Royal Furniture until April 22. This is the 3rd year that Royal Furniture’s Elwell family has partnered with the Council as the premier Business sponsor, not only displaying the mosaic, but graciously hosting three receptions and moving it in their truck a few times too to assist us. “They are amazing arts patrons,” said Young.


“We try to support the arts all throughout the Florida Keys and the Arts Council allows us to do that,” said Royal Furniture co-owner Christopher Elwell, who is based in Key West. “We got involved several years ago at the request of Lucy Carlton (Council Vice Chair), who is a great friend of mine. She’s just one of those people that you can’t say no to, and when I found out what it was all about,  I jumped on board. The mosaic project, especially, helps connect all the Florida Keys and we have stores throughout the Keys so it’s a great way for us to give back. If it wasn’t for the Arts Council, many of our residents wouldn’t know what’s going on in the arts world, and I think that’s very important. My family and I believe that the arts are one of the most unique parts of living here in this beautiful environment. We do whatever we can to help all of the arts flourish.”

The mosaic is “our signature project to promote the visual arts within the community,” Young said, “and our unique fundraiser to support our programs that benefits our artists and cultural organizations throughout Monroe County.”

For additional information contact the Arts Council at (305) 295-4369 or [email protected]






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